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Monday, February 4, 2008

New York Has Class

First of all I am not taking any ritalin during this post so excuse me for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

I would like to say thank you to Eli Manning for have excellent DNA. There has never ever been a family that has been more critizied in professional sports for what they did on the field. At this point 99.9% of it was undeserved. There is alot of ground to cover around this Super Experiance.

The first would have to be the city of New York. Thank you for not rioting. There is no lower forms of life than those who riot after there teams win championship. I hate Boston and they have won more championships than any other city in the world. In fact if the Celtics were from any other city, I would be happy for Garnett, Allen, and Paul Pierce. Its a game, there is no reason to tear up people's personal property because of a game. Boston and LA are the two most dispicable cities in the universe. They also win the most championships.

Eli vs. Peyton

Alot of people are wondering if Peyton was jelous becuase it took Eli less time to get his ring? I have also heard that Eli did it with less talent. These are true arguments, but I think there is alot more to consider. The biggest of all is the different markets they play in. New York has its disadvantages, but what I call the big 3 (New York, LA, and Chicago) have definite advantages. This is less prevelent in the NFL, but still. To win a championhip in the NFL the Stars have to allign. You do not nessesarrily have to be the best team, just the best team at the end of the season. This is true of the last 3 Super Bowl Champions. The Steelers, Colts, and Giants were all lower playoff seeds. Anyway I think the Colts have a lot bigger upside. The Giants are an old team. Strahan does not even show up to training camp, Plaxico is old, and i still wonder if signing Justin Tuck to a long term deal was a great idea. The Colts are good becuase they invest in solid players long term. The Colts have no dead money. Every big deal is for guys like Bob Sanders, Peyton Manning, Reggie Wayne, Marvin Harrison, ect.

Eli plays in the NFC. The AFC is still the superior confrence. They got hot when it counted. And were a team of destiny. This game reminds me of the 1980 USA hockey team. If they played the Patriots 10 times, the Pats would have won 9. But they won the one that counted. And America loved every minute of it. I dont know if its perspective but I think the Giants are far from the dominince of the Colts and the Pats, even the Chargers. The Chargers have a better team, but their stars havent alligned yet. They will. San Diego deserves it. Even though LT's age is starting to concern me.
The stars have to align for any team to win the Super Bowl, but there are alot less stars for major market teams. The NBA is famous for this. THat is why their product is crap. The NFL wants the two best teams becuase everyone watches the Super Bowl. The NBA wants the Knicks vs. the Lakers becuase only New York and LA will watch it.

Looking back on it, the Patriots morgaged their future for 18-1*. (Enjoy the astrick). They are going to have alot of holes to plug. They have to do something about the aging and HGH filled linebacking core. Randy Moss is as good as gone. He might have one more year, but after that hes gone for cash. Assante Samual is gone even though Randel Gay is capable.

Thanks for following the ritalin-less post.

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