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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

State of the NBA

David Stern needs to read this blog. Ok I know there are a million bloggers out there who have all the answers but seriously I am right. The NBA needs to seriously reconsider its marketing strategy. And I will tell you why.

First lets look at who the NBA markets. The NBA markets 13 year olds. 13 year old who don’t know what a chest pass is. All they care about is seeing LeBron highlights on the 6:30 AM Sports Center before Pre Algebra. This is a horrible marketing plan. The NBA wants to sell jerseys not tickets. It is awful on many fronts.

As I think about it I understand it more. The NBA wants to sell the league as whole not individual teams. The only problem with this is that it doesn’t create brand loyalty. There is no tradition. When I was 12 years old the Pacers swept the Orlando Magic, beat Atlanta in 6 and went on to the Eastern Conference finals. To that point Indiana had never had a professional sports organization do didly poo. The Colts were still awful and the Pacers to that point had been the essence of mediocrity. Anyway I have a brand loyalty to the Pacers.

What I am saying is this. Take Lebron for instance. Middle school kids all over the country purchased his Cleveland jersey. Fine. But the NBA needs to keep those kids accountable to that franchise. Instead they will market the next high school phenom to come through, and those kids will switch else where. The problem with fair weather fans is that they don’t purchase tickets. Lebron comes through Indianapolis twice a year? Kobe once, Garnett once and so on. No one wants to see the Pacers play another mediocre team. NFL fans on the other hand love seeing the mediocre Steelers play the mediocre Seahawks. Hell look at the ratings for Super Bowl XL.

The NBA has to start looking big picture. And I am sorry to say it, but the inner city is not the answer. It might hurt at the beginning, but you have to make it a corporate/ family event. I am not spending my hard earned money to watch ghetto superstar Stephen Jackson and his ugly jump shot. I would spend my hard earned money to see Larry Bird, Reggie Miller, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, and Kareem Abdul Jabaar.

Here is what I propose. The first thing is simple. Start drafting basketball players. Larry Bird was a 6 foot 7 inch power forward. He might be a second round draft pick now. Danny Granger is a basketball player, Michael Redd is a basketball player. Jermaine O’Neal is an athlete who plays basketball. There is a huge difference.

I think the one and done rule is solid, but I propose at least 2 years in college. I would go as far as to consider having a college diploma. Hear me out. You can get a general studies diploma in 3 years. You don’t think Jay Williams (former Duke Star/ Bulls point guard) who blew out his knee in 1 year is glad he did the work for that general studies degree.

Monday, October 8, 2007



My one blog reader gave me some feedback so I have decided to try it out lets see how it goes. I have always been a get to the point type of person and I think filler is crap but I am going to try set up my point before actually telling you what it is.

At the beginning of the last NFL season NBC took over the rights to the Sunday Night NFL game held by ESPN and ABC. With this deal the NFL in their immense wisdom decided to move the game of the weak to Sunday Night instead of the traditional Monday Night Game. Fox still retained the rights to the JV conference (the NFC) and all games in which the road team was a member of the NFC conference. CBS retained the rights to the AFC and the games in which the away team was a member of the AFC conference. Along with this was another Thanksgiving Day game to be televised on the NFL network in prime time. And Thursday night games there after also to be placed on the NFL network.

I have my issues with the no fun league on the NFL network. The NFL network is about one step behind pay per view. It is not available in all markets and is only available on the high end cable/ satellite packages. My HD cable costs 80 bucks a month and I still don’t get the NFL network.

The reason you take History classes in school is because we need to look at the past and the problems so we can avert them in the future. The great depression was avoidable had some changes been made in hindsight. Now the NFL network is not the great depression, but the NFL needs to look at the past. The best example is Indy Car vs. NASCAR. When I was a kid in the 80s you could never find Indy 500 video games anywhere. The closest thing was Al Unser Jr.’s Turbo racing. And that was when he was a F1 driver. NASCAR on the other hand would put their name on anything to get more exposure. While Indy Car was protecting its trademark, NASCAR was gaining fans. Another good example is boxing. Promoter Don King came along and took Boxing matches off regular TV and put them on pay per view. It was a brilliant idea in the short term, but it ultimately killed boxing in the long run, because as Muhammad Ali got older, and retired, no one wanted to see the next guy box, where as he would gain more exposure on National TV. It also really bugs me that I can’t get the video of Bob Sanders knocking the piss out of Willie Parker on either.

Back to my original point, sorry about that. Anyway back in the day you would watch your team play Sunday afternoon and as soon as the game was over you would turn to ESPN to watch NFL primetime, The Patriots Sports Network known as ESPN at the time, (because the Patriots sucked). Primetime was brilliant because if your team won you would watch to see the highlights, and if they lost well you had to sulk for a couple minutes. The Colts did a lot of loosing back in those days. Anyway the legend who invented the NFL highlight show is Chris Berman. It was football and it was entertainment. You could watch your highlights and it was always interesting to see what nickname for a player Berman could come up with. Nicknames included but are not limited too, Mike “Your in good hands with” Alstot, Joseph “Live and Let” Addai, Tom “Here’s the story of a man named” Brady, Jake “Daylight come and you’ve gotta” Delhomme, and the greatest of all time Andre “Bad Moon” Risen. The names even stuck in baseball as well. Tom Jackson was also a guy who knew what he was talking about and didn’t get into the usual color guy “he sucks,” “or he’s over rated” type of color guy. He was someone who could explain the game to the basic fan and not piss of the players.

CBS and FOX followed suit, although no one could match ESPN’s game day coverage. Terry Bradshaw is loud and annoying, and I couldn’t even tell you who is on CBS. This all went away last year when NBC basically bought the rights to the NFL post game show.

Last year it premiered and it was horrible. The coverage wasn’t bad, although I hate the Steelers and can’t stand “The Bus” as a player he isn’t bad at being a color guy. Bob Costas held his own in his first season. It was everything else that went with the broadcast. I honestly felt like I was watching the Olympics. The lights the angles the darkness made me feel like it was Olympic time. To their credit NBC does do a good job of not arguing stupid facts like; “take your pick Vince Young or David Garrard.” This is when Sean Salsbury argues with Jon Clayton over a stupid point on the Patriots Sports Network (ESPN).

In my opinion NBC made two huge errors this year when trying to fix their problem with the NFL postgame show that they bought the monopoly on. First and foremost they picked Keith Olberman to play the comic relief that Berman has on primetime, and they picked the worst possible match ups for their game of the week Sunday Night Game.

A little more back ground, Sunday Night used to be the night for the 2nd best game of the week. This was perfect because after a day of watching football you could prepare for Monday with the game on in the background or whatever. If it happened to be good you could watch it but mostly it was good because it was a solid game. Monday is obviously the worst day of the week. So Monday Night Football gives everyone something to look forward too on Monday. Mondays in the fall aren’t that bad because you can always watch football. Maybe what makes ESPN so good at what they do is that they are so in tune with their customer. I don’t think anyone does it better in all of business. You and me are who they target and no one and I mean no one hits it more on the head than they do. The commercials are funny, and the TV is entertaining.
NBC on the other hand is not in tune with me the typical NFL fan. They pick the exact same teams for that major game every week. It is the big market high fan base teams, Chicago (played twice), the New York Giants, Dallas Cowboys, Philadelphia Eagles, and Washington Redskins. Now the NFC East is known for its mediocrity. The Giants won the conference last year with a 9-7 record. NBC says that these big markets draw the biggest TV ratings, but I have always hated that theory. NBC made the most costly of all errors by not paying whatever it took to get the Colts vs. Pats game. How stupid can you get? Believe it or not this rivalry has never been hotter. These two teams are clearly the class of the NFL and have been for the last 8 years. The Patriots have 3 rings and the Colts have 1, but the Colts have bested the Pats the last 3 times, and are playing in the dome. Where I don’t care who you are it isn’t an easy place to play. It is the loudest stadium in the NFL and when those players run out of that ring I don’t care who you are that intimidates you. The November 4th match up with be another ESPN classic game. (I wouldn’t mind seeing the Patriots win that won, because it betters the chance of Jim Irsay excepting the Lamar Hunt trophy in Boston!)

The final flaw of NBC is highering Keith Olberman to play the comic relief that Chris Berman did so well on NFL Primetime. Keith Olberman is a pompous asshole who is holy than thou and knows it. Fist of all he isn’t funny. Second of all he has no credibility anywhere he goes because he got his start at ESPN. To me it’s like watching Stuart Scott talk about the war in Iraq. Stuart Scott is my second favorite ESPN personality, but him doing hard news isn’t his forte.

Last night Olberman went on a rant about how Green Bay got it right, by keeping the small town team in its small city, and based franchises like Indianapolis, Baltimore, St. Louis and Arizona for leaving their cities for higher ground. First of all Green Bay is a small town with a great football tradition. I love the way Favre plays the game and their tradition there is second to none. I wish Indianapolis could support a team like Green Bay supports its Packers. But he made it seem like Green Bay was Des Moines Iowa. Green Bay is small but so is Foxborough. So is Pontiac Michigan. Hell the Giants and Jets play in Jersey. Just because they play in a small market doesn’t mean they have a small fan base. I bet it takes longer for Giants fans to commute to a game than Green Bay fans living within a 100 mile radius of Lambau field.

The number one problem with the media in our day and age is not its liberalism. It is that it is out of touch with America that is the America that doesn’t live in New York or LA. Americans want to watch Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning. We want to see what Vince Young can do, Reggie Bush, etc. Yeah I like watching Eli Manning play but dam put a freakin AFC team on once in a while. The AFC has the three best teams in the league New England, Indianapolis, and Pittsburg then maybe Dallas, but they will falter. You only have to be 10-6 to get a bye in the NFC anyway. I would much rather watch an up and coming crap team like the Cleveland Browns or Tennessee Titans than the 9-7 Giants.

NBC and the rest of the media need to see what life is like in Indianapolis, Green Bay, and Des Moines Iowa. They would make a lot more money if they got their heads outta their asses and paid attention. It’s the same reason why Blue Collar Comedy changed the face of Entertainment in America. It is no coincidence that after that show came out movies started getting better. NBC pay attention to your fans, your alienating them.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

All things cursed

86 years without a Red Sox Championship! It’s the curse of the Bambino. I think that is the dumbest thing in the entire world. And after the Red Sox championship in 2005 I bet you felt really dumb, but nope that was what someone owed you. In fact if I claimed to be cursed and then I won a championship I would feel like a moron!

Professional sports are entertainment, pure and simple. The fact of the matter is as fans we are owed nothing. I have lived and died with my teams just as fans all over the country have. But the simple fact is Peyton Manning does not owe me anything. In fact to think that we suffer with our teams the way the players do is ludicrous and dumb. Yes, those guys make millions of dollars, yes some of them are spoiled brats, yes they make bad choices like the rest of us. But pure and simple they are all competitive. They want to win just as bad you want them to win. I keep thinking about that ball that went between Bill Buckner’s legs. I don’t think that was a curse, I think it was human error.

These professional athletes practice so much and are so good we almost expect them to be robots, in fact on Madden video games the are robots. They are assigned numbers based on how good some nerd in Seattle thinks they are. Then you get to go in there and you can sign any free agent you want to make your team better, and you get to play General Manager and coach. The problem is that these players don’t have numbers in real life. Peyton Manning is not a 99 quarterback every play of every game. When he gets hit on Sunday afternoon he bleeds, when he gets hit on Tuesday afternoon in Madden it doesn’t hurt that bad. And when he is our for the season in Madden you just simulate the season and all is well.

Back to “the dreaded curse,” in case you’ve been stuck under a rock for the past 86 years, the Red Sox went through a drought in which they didn’t win a championship for 86 years! Fans figured that trading the great bambino (Babe Ruth) to the hated Yankees caused the baseball gods to “curse” them for 86 years! Then in 2005 down 3 games to none, they pulled off one of the greatest comebacks in sports history (only to be outdone a year later by a hick boy from Louisiana named Peyton Manning).

Now, most people claim that these 86 years were the worst pain they went through in their entire life. In fact Philadelphia just passed them for most owed sports fans in the entire nation. The thing is that after the Colts lost to the Steelers in the ’05 playoffs I woke up Monday morning and life went on. These athletes do not owe anything to us as fans.

The thing that makes me most angry is that in those 86 years the Boston Celtics won 16 championships! The Boston Bruins won 5 Stanley Cups! And the New England Patriots won 3 Super Bowls! In fact in 6 years the Boston area has won 4 Championships! If there is a town who has no room to complain it is Boston. I am sorry but you got to look on the bright side. I am frustrated with the Pacers as much as anyone, but give me a break. They have won a championship since the early 70’s. That’s near 40 years, and that was an ABA championship.

The way I see it is like this. I think that the Philadelphia area is cursed. They are cursed because they have the most overzealous, arrogant, the world hates us attitude of any human beings alive. I am glad the Colts won the championship the way they did. I would be embarrassed if my town would have booed Santa Clause or Applauded when Michael Irvin was taken off in a stretcher. I understand that the Cowboys are a huge rival, but I was truly wishing Teddy Brushi the best when he had a stroke. I would be embarrassed for my city if we acted like that. In fact I think the Midwest and the south should just secede from the sports union, because that is just horrible. The worst part is this east coast fan attitude isn’t just Philadelphia. It isn’t much different in Baltimore, New York, and Boston. The North East can have their Ivy League, intelligent people, and Democrats. I will take my 1 professional sports championship over Boston’s 25 any day. Especially since our city did it with class and dignity.

I think what makes sports such great entertainment is that it always leaves you wanting more. After the Colts lost all those times in the playoffs I wanted just one more game even if it didn’t count. After they won the Super Bowl I asked myself is this it? You mean we don’t take on the world next Sunday? Sports are not life; I love sports as much as the next guy, but Monday comes just as it did last week after you won. And no matter what there is always next year.

It is ok to have healthy rivalries with teams that you dislike, that is what makes sports fun. But this east coast hatred attitude toward other people needs to stop. It really does no good. What do you accomplish when you flip off Peyton Manning on the way to the stadium? Do you think he hasn’t seen it before? Do you think your getting in his head? Seriously? Ask Asante Samuel what happens when you piss off Marvin Harrison? You get put on ESPN classic every single weekend for the wrong reasons. (That was awesome when Samuel talked trash to Marvin and he straight up torched him the whole drive and then made on of the amazing Marvin catches!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Colorado Rockies

Colorado Rockies

I am rooting for the Colorado Rockies in the Baseball Playoffs. First of all they are playing the Phillies. I love seeing east coast teams in any sport get beat by other teams. Cuase after they lose its always the funniest thing I have ever heard. Such comments as “The ref blew the game,” “If we could our cheap owner could only spend more money on an over rated free agent,” and my personal favorite “Were Cursed!”

I honestly think the Rockies have a pretty good shot to do some damage this fall. They have played solid baseball since the all star break. They have the best record since the all star break and won 13 of 14 to get into the show. That is the kind of momentum you want going into the playoffs. The Phillies were definitely playing better ball at the end of the season, but had the Mets not choked on a rubber dildo, down the stretch they might not be here.

I am also rooting for the D Backs in that series. Even though I don’t care as much about that one, its always good to see a good curse continue. I don’t care about the AL side. Even though I would bet my house that the Red Sox and Yankees will end up in the ALCS just for TV ratings. Even though I hate both cities I hate New York less, even the Yankees.

This is kind of obscure but there is a conversation going back and forth on the face book group “6”5 230 Lbs. Laser Rocket Arm, Lovers.” It is starting to tick me off a little. First of all the Colts are the champs’ period. If my team lost to the champs I would have no ground to talk shit. This is why I hate East Coast fans. First of all they have horrible attitudes. Ok in the 86 years that the Red Sox were cursed your dam city won 25 championships! 25 championships! Indianapolis will be lucky to get 10 championships before global warming causes the polar ice caps to melt and Manhattan and Los Angeles are under water, making Indianapolis the new New York.

Ok your team got owned in the AFC Championship game. That was a game for the ages. It will go down as one of the greatest games ever played. I was in the stands at that game watching two amazing quarterbacks Tom Brady and Peyton Manning go at it. I will always remember thinking to myself “I don’t care if the Colts win this game, I am glad I am here to witness it.” That’s how amazing that game was. The beautiful thing about it was that it was a clean game. There was no Ty Law holding type calls, or Kordel Stewart stepping out of bounds. You can maybe argue that Kelvin Hayden did have a pass interference call, but whatever. Anyway the Colts won. If my team lost I wouldn’t talk shit.

A Philly fan said and I quote “If Rex Grossman was a real NFL quarterback your team would have never won that Super Bowl.” Rex Grossman was good enough to get the Bears to the big show. He was playing Peyton Manning. Plus Peyton Manning just beat Tom Brady to get to the Big Show. And by the way Joseph Addai and his coming out party happened against the Philadelphia Eagles on national TV when he ran for 174 yards and 4 touchdowns. And the Colts absolutely kick the crap out of the Eagles every time they play them. Like not even a contest.

The Colts and Patriots seasons will not matter till January anyway. The game in November is pointless. The only difference will be where the AFC championship game will be played Boston or Indianapolis. The role reversal is kind of hilarious. It used to be Peyton who put up amazing stats in the regular season and Brady who won all the rings. Now it’s Brady who is a fantasy stud, and Manning who wins the rings. I feel as if there is always a chink in the armor of every team. Everyone knows how to beat the Colts, run the ball and keep Peyton off the field. Play cover two on defense and hope to god he messes up. There is a chink in the Patriots armor somewhere. It is still early so teams are going to have to try to figure it out.

If I was a bettin man, on November 4, I would take the points. The Patriots are a better team talent wise no question about it. But to be honest the Colts have more championship experience. A lot of the players are gone from those Pats teams of a couple years ago and Peyton can score with anyone it should be fun. Go Horse!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Madden '08

As every 20 something single male is doing this time of year, I am playing Madden. I purchased the new XBOX 360 last spring because I was told that Madden ’08 was only to be released on the new platforms, only to figure out they had planned to release it on the original XBOX as well.

There are still a lot of problems with the Madden game on the XBOX 360. First they will tell you that the detail on the game is unbelievable. That is true for the details they choose to detail. There are a lot of things they overlooked. The first one being the over weight “bench players” on the sideline. They look like fat slobs swaying in unison. Most of them all wear the same numbers. When you play with the Indianapolis Colts there is a fat number 15, not only do the Colts not roster anyone who wears the number 15, but that would be a backs/ kicker/ receiver number. Not a lineman number. That is a huge oversight.

Another major flaw I see in the game is that the kicker always kicks touchbacks on the kick offs. Only on penalties or in Mile High does a kicker kick that many touchbacks. Most NFL kickers reach about the goal line.

I think that with video games becoming as high tech as they are today there needs to be a change in the ratings of the players. Different players fit with different schemes. One example would be that a huge defensive tackle who is slow is known as a two gap type tackle. In the Indianapolis Colts defense in real life he would be a lot less effective than a Booger McFarland who is a one gap tackle. A road grader offensive lineman who is an awesome run blocker would be a good free agent pick up for the Denver Broncos, but wouldn’t fit the Colts passing style of offense. Reggie Bush would not be a good back for the Colts because he is a finesse back, on the other hand a TJ Ducket might fit well into the Colts power offense style. This is important in franchise mode because you cant just sign free agents for no reason and it forces you to do your homework.

Although I haven’t gone through a training camp on the new franchise mode, I think there needs to be a way to develop draft picks besides inflating their stats during the game. This is especially true for lineman. In the former Madden games there was no way to make your line better or worse. I would always draft linemen and they would always stay in the low 80s no matter what. You should be able to make your players better.

The positives to the new madden is the running game. On the original XBOX version I could never really get the hang of the running game. The blocking helped but if you did not block absolutely everyone you really had no chance. I think it makes players like LT and Reggie Bush more popular. This was a huge problem and I am glad the people at EA sports fixed it.

I also can not figure out how to disengage my blocks when using defensive lineman. But I have about a league average of sacks so it is cool.
Anyway, I think the detail is overrated. When playing video games I could really careless what the players’ faces look like in the huddle. They fellas at EA Sports really use the detail where it is not necessary. Mostly during times when the game is loading, plus they still use first down graphics that look “Techmo Bowl-ish” after first downs. Those graphics have to go. They look cheap and thrown in there at the last minute while waiting for the game to load.

Finally, I think the NFL is making a huge mistake but protecting their brand name so much. I think they are starting to take it out of the hands of the fans. In the long run this will hurt them. I keep thinking back to when I was a kid and Indy Car was the popular racing series and NASCAR was kind of on the back burner. They never made video games for Indy Car and if the did they were cheap and didn’t use the drivers names and what not. NASCAR embraced everything it could do to get their name on anything and it benefited the rise of the sport. The NFL is really dancing with the devil on this.

There should be more competition in the NFL video game market. I think competition is what made Madden what it is. Madden 03-05 are horrible games. NFL Fever and NFL 2k5 were better games. Because of the competition Madden made itself into what it is today. If there is no competition then it can not improve.

I think overall Madden ’08 is a solid game. It doesn’t really impress me. There are to many flaws to call it an outstanding success. It would not sell nearly as many games if there were more NFL games out there. The NFL needs to get rid of this contract ASAP. They also need to stop the NFL network crap. If you look at history it really is dancing with the Sports Devil. Pay per view is a major reason no one watches boxing. There is obviously a demand for that type of sport if you look at the ultimate fighting craze that is so popular these days.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Step Mom

Being in education I can understand why the whole step parenting situation can be tough. In fact I think it could be down right brutal. Just wanting to date a child’s dad could be hard enough for children to deal with. Especially if that step mom is your ex boss.

Early last week Dale Earnhardt Jr. showed off his new ride. He will be driving the Number 88 Mountain Dew/ AMP energy drink Chevy for Hendrick Motor Sports. Nobody should expect Dale Jr. to be his father. His father like him or not was a legend, and a great race car driver. For those of you too young to really watch him race he was Tony Stewart before Tony Stewart.
I think the Hendrick Motorsports/ Dale Jr. marketing team is a match made in motor sports heaven. I like the fact that Jr. wants to win races. He could very easily go out there and be another Kyle Petty. Dale Jr. doesn’t have to win races to make money. He just has to show up. To be a millionaire all Dale Jr. would have to do would be to show up at the track make the field drive in circles on Sunday, and sell t-shirts, die cast cars, memorabilia, and whatever else NASCAR fans buy.
The funniest part about this is the reason he had to keep “8” in his number. The reason he felt he had to keep the number 8 in his number wasn’t because of luck, it was because of the fans who got “8 Dale Jr.” tattoos. I am not making fun of rednecks because lets face it I am a redneck, but how short sided is that? I love the Colts, but I know there might be a time when they could move cities. They could change their nicknames, that’s why you never get a sports related tattoo.
Lets talk about the whole drama with Dale Jr, because lets face it, its interesting. I understand why they wanted a split. Theresa Earnhardt wants to become the Petty’s. She wants to put as little actual money into the races as possible, and she wants to sell as much stuff as possible. Basically the races for her are to sell #3 die cast cars of her late husband to the millions of fans who still want to watch him race. It doesn’t matter if her race team wins, losses or ties. She wins in the end. She is a business person, she could care less about wins or losses. Again, let me state my point, or make it more clear. She is in the business of making money. She doesn’t have to win races to make money, so she doesn’t.
Dale Jr. the race car driver does want to win races. He wants to compete and wants to win. Can you see the conflict of interest here? That’s the main reason for the split. Now come the details. The sponsor Budweiser and more important the car number 8.
I really thought Budweiser would go with Dale Jr. See even though the company name is on the car, the real sponsorship is on the driver. You always think of Jeff Gordon with what? The number 24 and the Dupont name. Same with Dale Sr. #3 and Chevrolet. (It is funny though how American Chevrolet is but it is actually a French name. And how associated with NASCAR it is but the Chevrolet brothers actually got their start in Indianapolis.)
Anyway back to the original subject, Theresa Earnhardt should have sold Dale Jr.’s Number 8 to Hendrick Racing. She also should have paid him what he was worth. Her step son makes her millions of dollars every year. A smart business person would have forked over the cash. Dale Jr. as a race car driver has the right to go to a winning team. His time with Hendrick Motorsports will tell if he is a legit NASCAR driver. He has won races in the past, but these next couple of years will tell us if he is a great driver like Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson or if he is just another Earnhardt.
If Peyton Manning went to the Cardnails he would have the right to wear the number 18, and it would not matter if the Colts liked it or not. She made her millions off of him, and will continue to do so, but she should have sold the number. "88" is fine. In fact in the long run it will help becuase now everyone who has Dale Jr. jackets and needless excessories will have to turn around and buy 88 Mountain Dew/ Amp energy crap.
I thought that Bud was crazy for not following Jr. Even though they advertise enough i think Dale Jr. was a gold mine beucase you cant put a prise on those Die Cast cars. Think of all the advertising dollar they got out of the man. They should have stayed with Jr.
In the end everyone loses. The good news is we will see how good of a driver Dale Jr. really is. He has the ride to promote himself to a truely elite driver on the circut. But he has to prove it on the track. If he can do that, then maybe he will live up to his hype. If not, we are doomed to another year of yellow flags for debris right after he gets lapped by Jimmie Johnson.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

College Football

There are many reasons why I don’t follow college football. The main reason is the national championship system. I don’t like the fact that one loss takes you out of the running for the national championship. Here is why.

I think losses as much as wins make you the champion. I think back to the 2006 Pittsburg Steelers. They lost big time to the Indianapolis Colts on Monday night in front of the whole nation when Marvin Harrison torched them for 80 yards on the first play of the game. You can’t tell me that loss didn’t affect their will to be a champion. The 2006 Indianapolis Colts went 3-4 down the stretch after starting 9-0. Loosing to bottom of the barrel teams (which are improving as we speak) such as Tennessee and Huston made them work harder to become champions.

This is why it is so much more special when teams like the Pittsburg Steelers and the Indianapolis Colts win championships. The Lakers have so much money in the LA market that they can buy Shaq and orchestrate trades for Kobe Bryant. Indianapolis and Pittsburg are communities who live and die with their teams. If the Knicks loose there is always the Mets, Yankees, Jets, Giants, Rangers, and Islanders. This reminds me even more of why I think the Boston Red Sox curse is stupid.

About the same time the Colts were kickin ass and takin names, Tony Dungy’s son was going through a rough time. Every in American and around the world knows the outcome. But I believe this loss shaped the 2006 Indianapolis Colts, as the Monday night game did the ’06 Steelers.

The other thing I dislike about the College Football system is this. To win a championship you have to be lucky. I honestly feel had this tragedy not happened to the Colts family that 2005 playoff game could have turned out different. In fact I was out in Indianapolis the night before the game, and I was talking to very nice Steelers fans. In fact even though I dislike the Steelers eminsly I have never met a jerk Steelers fan. Anyway the Steelers didn’t think they had a shot against the mighty Colts. The squeked in to the playoffs, then in the first play of the Cincinnatti game a defensive lineman rolls up on Pro Bowl Quarterback Carson Palmer’s leg tearing his ACL and putting him on the sideline for the game. They come to Indianapolis and the Colts play their worst game since the days of Jeff George and Gary Hogaboom. I don’t remember much after that except they went on to win it all. I didn’t watch the Denver game or pay much attention to the Super Bowl, but you have to be lucky as well as good.

In college football the team that usually wins the national championship game is the best team that plays the easiest schedule. I don’t feel like Miami play the same top opponents every week that down big 10 does. Ohio State and Michigan who are usually national championship contenders play top tear teams such as Purdue, Iowa, and Michigan State every single week. The same is true with Flordia, LSU, and other SEC teams. How many top 25 teams does USC always play? Not as many as a Big 10 school.

Everyone who has half a brain knows what needs to be done. There has to be a playoff system similar to March Madness. The only problem is that somewhere money changes hands and someone who makes a lot of it refuses to do it. The BCS was a great idea, but it is extremely flawed. It is less flawed than having the Associated Press pick a winner because all know how much sports writers really know.

The wonderful thing is that you could combine the best of both worlds. Have a playoff system, that uses the bowl format. In fact I took the time this weekend to create and elaborate system of bowls.

32 teams playing for one title, 5 games, winner take all. As for the bowl money I suggest one of two options. The first option and the one I would use would be for the losing team to get the money. The farther you go into the tournament the more money for the school. (Except for the final game of course) So if you lose in the first round you make X amount of dollars, second round more third round more and so on.

West Bracket



At Large #2



2. Emerald


1 Humanitarian

3. San Diego

San Diego

4. Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Pac 10 Champ

5. Holiday

San Diego

6. Hawaii


5. Holiday

7. Sun Bowl

El Paso

MNT West #2

2. Emerald

WAC #2

7. Sun Bowl

WAC Champ

3. San Diego

Pac 10- #2

6. Hawaii

MNT West #1

4. Las Vegas

At Large #1

South Bracket

Bowl Game


At Large #2

1. Outback


2. Insite


1. Outback



4. Armed Forces

Fort Worth

SEC Champs

5. Alamo

San Antonio

6. Independence


5. Alamo

7. Outback


Conf USA #2

2. Tucson

ACC #2

7. Outback

Conf USA #1


SEC #2

6. Independence

ACC Champ

4.Armed Forces

At Large #1




Game Site

At Large 2

Motor City



1. Detroit

New Mexico


Big 10 Champ





5. Gator



Sun Belt #2

2. Papa Johns

Big 12 #2

7. Cotton

Sun Belt Champ

3. New Mexico

Big 12 #2

6. Liberty

At Large #7

4. Music City

Big 12 Champ

East Bracket

Bowl Game

Game Site

At Large

1. Champs


2. International



3. Meineke


4. New Orleans

New Orleans

Big East Champ

5. Peach



6. Capitol 1


Independent #2

7. Orange



MAC #2


Independent #1


Big East #2


At Large


MAC Champ

MW Champ

1. Fiest Bowl


East Champ

3. National


Rose Bowl

South Champ

2. Sugar Bowl

New Orleans

West Champ